Higher Regulatory Standards
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) standards provide a useful baseline for communities to develop regulation. For this activity, credits are awarded to you if your community develops higher regulatory standards to address your specific development and floodplain management goals.
Related Activities
This activity includes giving map information to those who ask for it: in person, over the phone, through email, or through a website. Elevation Certificates can help estimate the base flood elevation (BFE) for an inquirer.
Holistic community outreach is an important part of raising awareness about flood hazards. This activity awards points to communities that invest in local information programs.
To supplement the outreach projects that your community is engaging in, you can receive credits for providing additional in-depth information about flood hazards through your website and libraries.
Your community can receive credits for providing one-on-one assistance to community members seeking specific information about flood protection.
Accurate flood hazard mapping is an important first step in creating a robust flood management system.