Construction Certificate Requirements
Communities obtain, review, correct, and maintain all required construction certifications for any new or substantially improved buildings in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA).
301.a - 301.d
CRS Participation Requirement
A community must maintain Elevation Certificates (ECs) and all other required floodplain-related construction certificates.
As a Class 9 Prerequisite, communities must maintain Elevation Certificates (ECs) and other construction certifications on all new, substantially improved, or reconstructed buildings in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). All new perrmits and certifications issued will be reviewed by a CRS Specialist at the community's annual recertification visit.
The community must maintain complete and at least 90% accurate construction certificates, have written procedures for document management, and copies of all certificates must be available upon request.
Construction certificates are defined as:
- Copies of all Elevation Certificates (ECs)
- FEMA’s Floodproofing Certificate for Non-Residential Structures
- V Zone Design Certificate for buildings in coastal, high-hazard areas
- FEMA’s Residential Basement Floodproofing Certificate, if applicable
- Engineered Opening Certification attached to the Elevation Certificate (EC), if applicable
- Other permits and certifications that are required by the community
Credit Calculation
To receive all applicable credits, a community must have written procedures for the handling of construction certificates as specified in Activity 310 and must meet the credit criteria in Section 312.a. If no written procedures are in place, no credit will be given.
If the certifications are missing or incorrect it will count against the 90% accuracy rating. The community will have one further chance to submit the corrected certificates to reach 90% before being removed from the program.
This CRS guide was produced by CRS professionals and Certified Floodplain Managers to help you navigate the Community Rating System. It is not meant to replace FEMA's official CRS Coordinator's Manual, nor should it supersede the instructions given by your ISO/CRS Specialist.
For additional resources, visit https://crsresources.org/ .