Flood Protection Information
To supplement the outreach projects that your community is engaging in, you can receive credits for providing additional in-depth information about flood hazards through your website and libraries.
Flood protection library (LIB)
Your local libraries can be a useful information resource for community members seeking information about flood hazards.
To encourage greater flood literacy, your community can receive element credits for including FEMA’s nine flood-related publications in their library collections. These publications include:
- Above the Flood: Elevating Your Floodprone House, FEMA-347 (2000)
- Answers to Questions About the National Flood Insurance Program, F-084 (2011)
- Coastal Construction Manual, FEMA-P-55, (2011)
- Elevated Residential Structures, FEMA-54 (1984)
- Protecting Manufactured Homes from Floods and Other Hazards, FEMA P-85 (2009)
- Mitigation of Flood and Erosion Damage to Residential Buildings in Coastal Areas, FEMA-257 (1994)
- Protecting Building Utilities From Flood Damage, FEMA-P-348 (1999)
- Protecting Floodplain Resources, FEMA-268 (1996)
- Reducing Damage from Localized Flooding, FEMA 511 (2005)
Publications that aren’t relevant to your community can be omitted. Otherwise, each text must be available to all library branches and be included in the library catalogue system.
FEMA’s publications are available for free. This element requires that your community coordinates with your library branches.
To document this element, a list of the publications catalogued in the library or a digital link to an online catalogue must be provided.
Credit Calculation
Max: 10
There is no impact adjustment for this element.
Locally pertinent documents (LPD)
If you are making FEMA's flood-related publications available through your library, consider also adding additional flood information to the collection.
This element buildings on 352.a Flood protection library (LIB). To receive credit for 352.b, your community must make locally relevant flood texts/documents available through their libraries. These documents can include a floodplain management ordinance, the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), your community’s Flood Insurance Study, your Hazard Mitigation Plan, and other related plans. These publications must be available to all library branches, and included in the card catalog.
352.a Flood protection library (LIB) is a prerequisite for this element.
To document this element, a list of the publications catalogued in the library or a digital link to an online catalogue must be provided.
Credit Calculation
You can receive a credit for each document catalogued for a maximum of 10 credits. There is no impact adjustment for this activity.
Flood protection website (WEB)
Can you add flood protection information to your community's website?
Your community can receive credits for sharing flood protection information on your websites. The Flood Protection homepage must be either listed and linked on your community’s main homepage or be easily searchable through it.
This element is comprised of three sub-elements. WEB1 requires that the information disseminated through outreach projects is housed online, WEB 2 requires your community to provide online real-time flood gauge information, and WEB3 requires that Elevation Certificates are posted online.
WEB1: To receive WEB1 credit, the Flood Protection Website must have a directory and link to all available information. It must also link to FloodSmart or FEMA’s flood insurance page. You should update the website monthly and review it annually. More credits are awarded under WEB1 if it is included in the Program for Public Information (PPI).
WEB2: To receive credit, your Flood Protection Website must have a link to a real-time gauge or show the data directly on the website. The gauge information must be managed by a federal, state or local agency, and relate to sea level, the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD), or National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD), recent flooding, or local sites.
WEB3: To receive credit, your community must post Elevation Certificates on the Flood Protection Website or a list of addresses with available Elevation Certificates with information on how to obtain copies.
In addition to referencing internal resources, your community can fulfill requirements for this element by linking to existing external resources created by FEMA, the state, etc...
This element requires minimal documentation as your community’s website serves as primary evidence of element completion.
At the annual recertification, in addition to the website you must provide:
- Documentation confirming that the website has been reviewed for broken links and up-to-date information.
- If your community has a Program for Public Information (PPI), the inclusion of website evaluation in the annual report.
Credit Calculation
Max : 77
Max for WEB1: 47 Max for WEB2: 10 Max for WEB3: 20
There is no impact adjustment for this element.
This CRS guide was produced by CRS professionals and Certified Floodplain Managers to help you navigate the Community Rating System. It is not meant to replace FEMA's official CRS Coordinator's Manual, nor should it supersede the instructions given by your ISO/CRS Specialist.
For additional resources, visit https://crsresources.org/ .