430 Higher Regulatory Standards
300 Public Information Activities
400 Mapping and Regulations

Higher Regulatory Standards

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) standards provide a useful baseline for communities to develop regulation. For this activity, credits are awarded to you if your community develops higher regulatory standards to address your specific development and floodplain management goals.

Development limitations (DL)

Are there additional regulations that you can create for future development in your community's floodplain?

Level of effort = high


Your community can receive credit for regulating floodplain development in three parts: prohibiting fill (DL1), prohibiting buildings (DL2), and prohibiting material storage (DL3) in the floodplain.

  • DL1: Fill most often reduces floodplain storage capacity and, as such, communities are awarded credits for prohibiting it. To receive credit for DL1 you can:

    • DL1a: Prohibit all fill. If you are receiving credit for DL1a, you cannot allow Conditional Letters or Letters of Map Revision based on Fill (CLOMR-F or LOMR-F). While fill most often reduces floodplain storage capacity, it can sometimes be utilized to restore natural floodplain functions. In these cases, fill can be allowed.
    • DL1b: Compensatory storage. Your community can receive DL1b credit if you create regulations requiring new development to pay for compensory storage in a similar location (at a ratio of 1.5:1)
  • DL2: You can receive DL2 credit if your community prohibits all new buildings in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). Like DL1, your community cannot approve CLOMR-Fs or LOMR-Fs if you are receiving credit for this element. You can get prorated credit for prohibiting only certain types of buildings (like office buildings or residences) rather than all buildings. If you're prohibiting the construction of critical facilities, you'll get credit under 432.f Protection of critical facilities, and not 432.a.
  • DL3: You can receive element credits if you prohibit the outdoor storage of materials within the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)

DL1a and DL2 credit only applies to undeveloped land. You can get credit for DL1b and DL3 in developed areas.


This element is complex in that it requires the adoption of development regulations by your community. Credits for this element can be prorated and/or awarded partially.


To receive credit for this element, you must provide:

  • The written ordinance or regulation pertaining to this element, adopted by your community’s governing body
  • If the regulation does not apply to the entire Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), an impact adjustment map with marked regulatory areas (these should include undeveloped land, but cannot include Open Space Preservation (OSP) areas)
  • Documentation that regulations are in force outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) (if applicable)
  • Plans or records showing that the regulation has been applied in your community

Credit Calculation


Up to 280 credits can be awarded for DL1. The full 280 credits are awarded if regulations prohibit fill within floodplains (DL1a). DL1b, compensatory storage, is calculated by multiplying the ratio of compensation to 130.

Up to 1,000 credits can be awarded for DL2. Remember DL2 requires that communties do not recognize or approve CLOMR-Fs and LOMR-Fs. If your community does, you can still get 100 credits for prohibiting buildings within the regulatory floodplain while still approving CLOMR-Fs and LOMR-Fs.

Lastly, up to 50 credits can be awarded for DL3. The full points are awarded for prohibiting outdoor storage of materials within the regulatory floodplain. If your community only prohibits hazardous materials in the regulatory floodplain, you can receive 20 credits. If you require that hazardous materials are stored inside above the base flood elevation (BFE), you can receive 10 credits.

Freeboard (FRB)

Freeboard is a safety factor that accounts for variations in flood height measurements.

Level of effort = high


Your community can receive credit for requiring (through regulatory action) that buildings are elevated at least one foot higher than the base flood elevation (BFE). This includes the elevation of the lowest floor, utilities, and garages. Freeboard a factor of safety applied to elevation above flood level and is measured at the top of the lowest floor in A Zones, and the bottom of the lowest horizontal structural member in V Zones. It has a large impact on flood risk, and as such, your community can be rewarded for adopting it.

Extra credits are awarded if the ordinance prevents fill, requires compensatory storage, or includes over three feet of freeboard.


This element involves drafting, getting political support for, and adopting regulations in your community. It also involves gathering the documentation necessary to prove that the regulations are in force. Depending on the circumstances of your individual community, it could be a light or heavy lift. Note that there is no credit for this element in V zones.


To receive credit for this element, you must provide:

  • The written ordinance or regulation pertaining to this element, adopted by your community’s governing body
  • If the regulation does not apply to the entire Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), an impact adjustment map with marked regulatory areas (these should include undeveloped land, but cannot include Open Space Preservation (OSP) areas or areas for which you are awarded DL2 credits under 432.a Development limitations (DL) credit)
  • Documentation that regulations are in force outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) (if applicable)
  • Plans or records showing that the regulation has been applied in your community

Credit Calculation

Max:500, for one of the following:

Freeboard No fill restriction Compensatory storage req. Prohibited fill
1 foot 100 110 120
2 feet 225 250 280
3 feet 375 440 500

The credits for this element are impact adjusted using the ratio of the area affected by freeboard to the total area of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA):

Area impacted by Freeboard (FRB) regulations / Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)

When you calculate area, remember that you can't count areas for which you receive credit for Open Space Preservation (OSP) or DL2 credits under 432.a Development limitations (DL). If you have different freeboard requirements for different areas within your community, you'll have to calculate credits for each section and then add them.

Foundation protection (FDN)

Establishing higher regulatory standards for foundation protection can have a significant mitigation impact.

Level of effort = moderate


This element is comprised of three subelements. You receive the most credits under the first subelement, FDN1, if all new buildings in the floodplain are:

  1. built on foundations in compliance with the International Building Code, International Residential Code, or ASCE 24, and
  2. not constructed on fill.

Alternatively, you can receive credits for requiring that new buildings are built on compacted fill that is in compliance with the International Building Code or ASCE 24 and also protected from erosion. If you go this route and also have compensatory storage that meets the credit criteria of (432.a Development Limitations (DL1b)), you can receive credit for subelement FDN2. If you don't have compensatory storage, you can receive credit for FDN3.


There is no credit for this element in V Zones.


To receive credit for this element you must provide:

  • The written ordinance or regulation pertaining to this element, adopted by your community’s governing body
  • If the regulation does not apply to the entire Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), an impact adjustment map with marked regulatory areas (cannot include Open Space Preservation (OSP) areas)
  • Documentation that regulations are in force outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) (if applicable)
  • Plans or records showing that the regulation has been applied in your community

Credit Calculation

Max: 80

Up to 80 credits can be awarded for FDN1, 60 credits for FDN2, and 35 credits for FDN3. You can only receive credit for one of these subelements.

Credits are impact adjusted using the ratio of the area affected by this element to the total Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA):

Area impacted by Foundation Protection (FDN) regulations / Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)

Like the previous element, you should exclude areas receiving Open Space Preservation (OSP) credits and DL2 credits under 432.a Development limitations (DL). You can't receive credit for this element in V Zones unless you are using foundation protection standards that are more stringent than those required by the NFIP.

Cumulative substantial improvements (CSI)

You can receive credits for tracking the construction history of the buildings in your community.

Level of effort = high


If the number of improvements or repairs to a building add up to over 50% of the building’s value, the building must come into compliance with the current floodplain management ordinance. Since it is sometimes difficult to know when buildings pass this threshold, your community can receive credit for tracking the flood damage sustained by a building over time. You can also receive credit for regulating building additions in the same way.


Depending on the circumstances, a homeowner’s flood insurance policy may pay partial costs for bringing buildings into compliance under this element.


Like most of the other elements in this activity, to receive credit for this element you must provide:

  • The written ordinance or regulation pertaining to this element, adopted by your community’s governing body
  • If the regulation does not apply to the entire Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), an impact adjustment map with marked regulatory areas (cannot include Open Space Preservation (OSP) areas)
  • Documentation that regulations are in force outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) (if applicable)
  • Plans or records showing that the regulation has been applied in your community
  • A list of all permits for constructions and repairs since your last verification visit

Credit Calculation


Element Maximum Credits
Counting improvements for at least 10 years OR for at least 5 years 40 (for 10 years) OR 20 (for 5 years)
Counting repairs for at least 10 years OR for at least 5 years 40 (for 10 years) OR 20 (for 5 years)
Adopting a regulation that allows ICC coverage for repetitive losses 20
Requiring additions to come into compliance 20

The impact adjustment can be calculated with the following formula:

Area impacted by Cumulative Substantial Improvement (CSI) regulations / Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)

Lower substantial improvements threshold (LSI)

Lowering the improvements threshold for buildings in your community could encourage greater floodplain management compliance.

Level of effort = high


The NFIP requires that all buildings that are improved or repaired by over 50% of the building’s value must be brought into compliance with existing floodplain management regulations. Element 432.d dealt with tracking substantial damages. In this element, your community can receive credit for lowering the substantial improvements threshold (below 50%). Additionally, you can receive credit if buildings cannot be expanded by more than 25% of the square footage of the lowest floor. Partial credits are rewarded if this element applies to either improvements or repairs instead of both.


Lowering substantial improvements thresholds will likely be a political issue for your community.


To receive credit for this element you must provide:

  • The written ordinance or regulation pertaining to this element, adopted by your community’s governing body
  • If the regulation does not apply to the entire Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), an impact adjustment map with marked regulatory areas (cannot include Open Space Preservation (OSP) areas)
  • Documentation that regulations are in force outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) (if applicable)
  • Plans or records showing that the regulation has been applied in your community
  • A list of all permits for constructions and repairs since the last visit

Credit Calculation

Max: 20, for one of the following:

Element Maximum Credits
Less than 50% of the building’s value 20
25% of the square footage of the lowest floor 10
Either improvements or repairs, but not both 10

The impact adjustment can be calculated as follows:

Lower substantial improvements threshold (LSI) Area / Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)

Protection of critical facilities (PCF)

What measures do you have in place to protect your critical facilities in flood events?

Level of effort = highCredit under this element is required for CRS Class 1


Your community can receive credit for protecting critical facilities, such as those responsible for health and safety (hospitals, police and fire stations, schools), or those that would make flood impacts worse if they flooded (power or water utility, wastewater treatment, hazardous materials). You must either prohibit the construction of these facilities in the 500 year floodplain or regulate to protect them from flood damage (ex: require new facilities be built at least one foot above the 500 year flood level).


This element involves drafting, getting political support for, and adopting regulations in your community. It also involves gathering the documentation necessary to prove the regulations are in force. Depending on your community's capacity for regulatory action, this might be difficult.


Like the other 430 elements, to receive credit for this element your community must provide:

  • The written ordinance or regulation pertaining to this element, adopted by your community’s governing body
  • If the regulation does not apply to the entire Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), an impact adjustment map showing the 500 year floodplain with marked regulatory areas (cannot include Open Space Preservation (OSP) areas)
  • Documentation that the regulations are inforce in the 500 year floodplain
  • Documentation that regulations are in force outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) (if applicable)
  • Plans or records showing that the regulation has been applied in your community

Credit Calculation

Max: 80, for any of the following:

Element Maximum Credits
Prohibiting facilities in the 500 year floodplain 80
Requiring new facilities to be one foot above the 500 year flood level 40
Partial credit for protecting facilities in another way variable

The impact adjustment for this element is calculated as follows:

Regulated area / Total area of the 500-year floodplain

Enclosure limits (ENL)

Credits are awarded in this element for regulations around enclosures below the Base Flood Elevation (BFE).

Level of effort = high


Your community can receive credit for prohibiting enclosures below the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) of structures. Credit is also awarded for nonconversion agreements, which require building owners to agree to not change enclosed areas in ways that make them more vulnerable to flooding.


Prohibited enclosures should include breakaway walls. You can choose to only enforce enclosure limits if the lowest floor is more than four feet high.


To receive credit for these activities you must provide:

  • The written ordinance or regulation pertaining to this element, adopted by your community’s governing body
  • The nonconversion agreement filed with the deed and property records
  • If the regulation does not apply to the entire Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), an impact adjustment map with marked regulatory areas (cannot include Open Space Preservation (OSP) areas)
  • Documentation that regulations are in force outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) (if applicable)
  • Plans or records showing that the regulation has been applied in your community

At the verification visit:

  • Elevation certificates, nonconversion agreements, and other permit records for applicable buildings
  • Copies of inspection records, if applicable

Credit Calculation

Max: 390 for the following:

Element Maximum Credit
Prohibiting any enclosure 240
Prohibiting breakaway walls and enclosures greater than 299 sq ft below the BFE 100
Performing annual inspections for nonconversion agreements 90
If your community has a right to inspect nonconversion agreements any time 60
If the nonconversion agreement does not mention inspections 30
Prohibiting enclosures in Coastal A Zones 150
Prohibiting breakaway walls and enclosures greater than 200 sq ft in Coastal A Zones (ENLCAZ) 50

The impact adjustment for this element is calculated as follows:

Regulated area / Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)

The impact adjustment for ENLCAZ (breakaway walls and enclosures greater than 200 sq ft in Coastal A Zones) is calculated as follows:

Regulated area / Coastal A Zone area

Building Code (BC)

Do you utilize the International Building Codes (IBC) and Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) in your building code?

Level of effort = moderateBCEGS 5/5 is required for CRS Class 6, 4/4 is required for Class 4


Your community can use local building codes to coordinate building, enforce construction standards, check for compliance, and monitor construction. Credits are awarded for adopting the current International Building Codes and for certain Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) classifications. There are two subelements for this element:

  • BC1: To receive credit for BC1, you must adopt and enforce the International Building Codes (IBC) throughout your community
  • BC2: To receive credit for BC2, your community must have Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) ratings for both residential and commercial buildings. BCEGS ratings are classified from 1 to 10. You must have a rating of 5/5 or better to become a CRS class 6 and a 4/4 or better to become a CRS class 4.


If your community is in a state without a Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS) program, an assessment can be requested for this element. Coordinate with your CRS Specialist for more information.


Like the other elements in 430, to document your work you must provide:

  • The written ordinance or regulation pertaining to this element, adopted by your community’s governing body
  • Permit records showing that the code is being enforced
  • If the regulation does not apply to the entire Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), an impact adjustment map with marked regulatory areas (cannot include Open Space Preservation (OSP) areas)
  • Documentation that regulations are in force outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) (if applicable)
  • Plans or records showing that the regulation has been applied in your community

Credit Calculation

Max: 100 for the following:

Element Maximum Credit
International Building Code 20
International Residential Code 20
International Plumbing Code 3
International Mechanical Code 3
International Fuel Gas Code 2
International Private Sewage Disposal Code 2
5/5 BCEGS 10
4/4 BCEGS 20
3/3 BCEGS 30
2/2 BCEGS 40
1/1 BCEGS 50

Local drainage protection (LDP)

Do you have drainage problems in your community that cause shallow flooding?

Level of effort = low


This element awards credits to communities that adopt regulations in the building code or land use code that protect buildings from shallow flooding caused by local drainage problems. These regulations must be applied to every building, credit is not awarded for only regulating drainage plans in new subdivisions. There are several subelements for which you can receive credits including:

LDP1 - Requiring that the lowest floor be a certain number of feet above the street LDP2 - Requiring new developers to protect new buildings from drainage flows LDP3a - Requiring developers to credit drainage away from the building site (required in I-Codes) LDP3b - Requiring developers to credit drainage away from the building site in a way that does not impact neighboring properties LDP4 - Requiring developers to keep runoff contained on-site


While this element requires regulatory action, protecting buildings from shallow flooding is a consensus-building issue so you might find it politically viable.


To receive credit for this element, you must provide:

  • The written ordinance or regulation pertaining to this element, adopted by your community’s governing body
  • If the regulation does not apply to the entire Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), an impact adjustment map with marked regulatory areas (cannot include Open Space Preservation (OSP) areas)
  • Documentation that regulations are in force outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) (if applicable)
  • Plans or records showing that the regulation has been applied in your community

Credit Calculation

Max: 120 for the following:

Element Maximum Credit
LDP1 - Requiring that the lowest floor be above the street 40x # of ft above street
LDP2 - Requiring new developers to protect new buildings from drainage flows 40
LDP3a - Requiring developers to credit drainage away from the building site 10
LDP3b - Requiring developers to credit drainage away from the building site in a way that does not impact neighboring properties 20
LDP4 - Requiring developers to keep run-off on development sites 20

Manufactured home parks (MHP)

Are there manufactured home parks in your community?

Level of effort = low


If your community has manufactured home parks with Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) greater than 3 feet, you can receive credit for requiring that manufactured homes be at least 36 inches above grade.


As this regulation protects manufactured homes through elevation, it is usually politically agreeable.


To receive credit for this element you must provide:

  • The written ordinance or regulation, adopted by your community’s governing body
  • Elevation certificates for manufactured homes
  • Example permit records
  • Documentation of the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) in manufactured home parks
  • If the regulation does not apply to the entire Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), an impact adjustment map with marked regulatory areas (cannot include Open Space Preservation (OSP) areas)
  • Documentation that regulations are in force outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) (if applicable)
  • Plans or records showing the regulation has been applied in your community

Credit Calculation

Max: 15

There is no impact adjustment for this element.

Coastal A Zones (CAZ)

What regulations are in place for your Coastal A Zones?

Level of effort = highCredit for this element is required for CRS Class 1


Your community can receive credit for regulating Coastal A Zones more strictly. Coastal A Zones are parts of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) that can experience wave heights between 1.5 and 3 feet during a 1% annual storm. This is depicted as the Limit of Moderate Wave Action (LiMWA) on newer Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs).

To receive credit for this element, your community must have a coastal floodplain located on the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans, the Gulf of Mexico, the Bering Sea, or the Great Lakes. Additionally, your community must have a Limit of Moderate Wave Action (LiMWA).

You will receive full credit if all buildings in your community's Coastal A Zones are required to meet the same regulations as buildings in V Zones. Additional credits are awarded for considering future sea levels.


This element can only be apply to developable land!


To receive credits for this element, you must provide:

  • The written ordinance or regulation, adopted by your community’s governing body
  • If the regulation does not apply to the entire Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), an impact adjustment map with marked regulatory areas (cannot include Open Space Preservation (OSP) areas)
  • The data supporting the Limit of Moderate Wave Action (LiMWA), if the area was created and mapped by your community
  • Documentation that regulations are in force outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) (if applicable)
  • Plans or records showing the regulation has been applied in your community

Credit Calculation

Max: 500 for the following:

Element Maximum Credit
Regulating Coastal A Zones as V Zones 500
Only regulating elevation and construction materials, breakaway walls or open space, and fill 225
Requiring the lowest floor to be elevated above the BFE 100
Requiring professionals to certify the breakaway walls 125
Requiring new construction to be landward of the mean high tide (if the area includes shoreline) 25
Prohibiting altering dunes or mangroves (if applicable) 25

The impact adjustment for this element is calculated as follows:

Regulated area / Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)

Special flood-related hazards regulation (SHR)

For this element, you are awarded credits for regulating the particular flood-related hazards in your community.

Level of effort = high


The CRS acknowldges that some flood-related hazards are unique to your community. To address this, you can receive credit for regulations that address these hazards that go above and beyond the minimum NFIP requirements. To get credits, you must have a FEMA approved map of the regulated area and enforce standards that pertain to the specific flood-related hazards in your community.

Credits are awarded through the following subelements:

  • SHDL2: Prohibiting buildings within Special Flood-Related Hazard Areas
  • IJR: Enforcing ice jam regulations in appropriate areas. Ice jam regulations include protecting structures from flood and moving ice through higher elevation or structural requirements.
  • CBR: Regulating closed basin lake hazard areas with regulations that consider flood level and duration of flooding
  • MFR: Developing and enforcing mudflow hazard regulations
  • SUR: Developing and enforcing subsidence regulations
  • UFR: Developing and enforcing uncertain flow path regulations, including alluvial fans and movable streams


412.f Mapping for special coastal flood-related hazards (MAPSH) is a prerequisite for this element.


To receive credit for this element, you must provide:

  • The written ordinance or regulation, adopted by your community’s governing body
  • If the regulation does not apply to the entire Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), an impact adjustment map with marked regulatory areas (cannot include Open Space Preservation (OSP) areas)
  • Documentation that regulations are in force outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) (if applicable)
  • Plans or records showing the regulation has been applied in your community

Credit Calculation

Max: 100 for the following regulations:

Element Maximum Credits
SHDL2 - Prohibiting buildings in the areas defined as special hazard areas 100
IJR - Requiring that buildings are constructed on engineered pilings or fill at or above the ice jam regulatory elevation 50
IJR - Freeboard above the ice jam regulatory elevation 10 x ft of freeboard (up to 30)
CBR - Requiring structures to be elevated above the regulatory flood elevation for flood basin lakes 40
CBR - Requiring building access at the flood elevation for closed basin lakes 10
CBR - Requiring that utilities are protected to the regulatory flood elevation and functional during regulatory events for closed basin lakes 10
CBR - Floodproofing basements within 1,000 feet of the shoreline established by the regulatory flood elevation for closed basin lakes 15
CBR - Floodproofing wells within the closed basin lake hazard area 5
MFR - Requiring soils or geological engineering studies for grading 25
MFR - Requiring at least 3 feet of footing extension into the bedrock where buildings are supported on stilts over a fill slope with a slope greater than 2:1 5
MFR - Requiring non-erosive drainage from impervious surfaces 5
SUR - Requiring engineered foundations in floodprone areas subject to land subsistence 60
SUR - Requiring public facilities and utilities to consider subsidence in floodprone areas subject to land subsistence 20
SUR - Implementing a plan to reduce subsidence in areas where your community has mapped subsisdence greater than 1 foot 40
UFR1 - Requiring new structures to be protected from alluvial fans 60
UFR1 - Requiring utilities to be protected from a 100 year event in areas subject to alluvial fan hazards 10
UFR1 - Requiring access to be available during a 100 year event in areas subject to alluvial fan hazards 10
UFR2 - Stream migration study for movable bed streams 80
UFR2 - Requiring development to be safe from stream migration 65
UFR2 - Mapping a setback and studying the stream migration hazard before allowing development 40

Areas for which you are receiving Open Space Preservation (OSP) credits can't be included in calculations for this element. The impact adjustment is calculated separately for each hazard listed in the Overview section (for example, your UFR impact adjustment is calculated separately from your SUR impact adjustment). Use the following formula:

Regulated area / Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)

There is a maximum score of 100 for each hazard category.

Tsunami special hazards regulations (TSR)

Regulations around tsunami-related hazards are awarded credits separately in this element.

Level of effort = high


For this element, credits are awarded for regulating for tsunami-related hazards beyond the minimum standards of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). The regulations should use the tsunami hazard map from 412.f Mapping for special coastal flood-related hazards (MAPSH).


412.f Mapping for special coastal flood-related hazards (MAPSH) is a prerequisite for this element.


To receive credit for this element you must provide:

  • The written ordinance or regulation, adopted by your community’s governing body (The acronym TSR must be marked in the margin by the applicable ordinance)
  • If the regulation does not apply to the entire Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), an impact adjustment map with marked regulatory areas (cannot include Open Space Preservation (OSP) areas)
  • Documentation that regulations are in force outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) (if applicable)
  • Documentation of element enforcement procedures
  • Plans or records showing the regulation has been applied in your community

Credit Calculation

Max: 50 for the following:

Element Maximum Credits
Requiring new structures to be built at or above the tsunami flood elevation (if it is higher than the BFE) 50
Prohibiting new critical facilities in tsunami hazard areas, mitigating the vulnerability of these facilities, or reducing the risk through emergency response 15
Adopting tsunami construction requirements from Guidelines for Design of Structures for Vertical Evacuation from Tsunamis 30
Requiring buildings in tsunami hazard areas to be inspected by an engineer 15
Requiring substantial improvements and additions in the tsunami hazard area to meet construction codes 15
Prohibiting the storage of hazardous materials 15

The impact adjustment for this element involves subtracting the areas that receive open space credit:

Total Unadjusted Credits x (1 - Open Space Ratio from 422.a - Coastal Erosion Open Space Ratio from 422.c)

Alternatively, if the regulations cover less than 10% of the hazard area, you can use an impact adjustment ratio of 0.1.

Coastal erosion hazard regulations (CER)

This element awards credits for development regulations in coastal erosion management areas as well as dune and beach areas.

Level of effort = highCredit for this element is required for CRS Class 1


Similar to 432.m Tsunami special hazards regulations, you can receive credits for regulating for coastal erosion hazards beyond the minimum standards of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). Credits are awarded for prohibiting construction in coastal erosion management areas (CER1), and dune and beach areas (CER2). If applicable you can use setbacks in order to protect areas from erosion.


The regulations submitted for this element must use the map from Mapping coastal erosion hazard areas (MCE) under 412.f Mapping of special flood-related hazard areas (MAPSH), and prohibit construction in the 30 year erosion-prone area.


To receive credit for this element you must provide:

  • Your credit application for Mapping coastal erosion hazard areas (MCE) under 412.f Mapping of special flood-related hazard areas (MAPSH)
  • The written ordinance or regulation, adopted by your community’s governing body (the acronyms CER1 and CER2 must be marked to call out applicable ordinance areas)
  • An explanation of the regulatory procedures
  • If the regulation does not apply to the entire Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), an impact adjustment map with marked regulatory areas (cannot include Open Space Preservation (OSP) areas)
  • Documentation that regulations are in force outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) (if applicable)
  • Plans or records showing the regulation has been applied in your community

Credit Calculation

Max: 370, for the following:

Element Maximum Credits
CER1 - Erosion protection level in years 30 to 100
CER1 - Requiring setback regulations for substantially improved buildings 0.5 x setback regulations of substantially improved buildings (years)
CER1 - Requiring setback regulations for substantially damaged buildings 0.5 x setback regulations of substantially damaged buildings (years)
CER1 - Requiring large buildings to meet a 60 year setback standard (and your community setback requirement is less than 50 years) 20
CER1 - Requiring a buffer zone beyond the erosion setback 1 x number of feet in buffer zone
CER1 - Requiring structures vulnerable to erosion to be removed within 2 years (must be upheld in court) 75
CER1 - Requiring new structures to be set back at least 60 feet from the shoreline 25
CER2 - Prohibiting cars and people on sand dunes 20
CER2 - Prohibiting development seaward of existing buildings on waterfront property 10

For CER1, there are three impact adjustment options:

  • a ratio of 1 for regulating the entire shoreline
  • a ratio of 0.25 for regulating a portion of the shoreline, or
  • dividing the length of regulated shoreline by the length of the entire shoreline:

    length of regulated shoreline / length of entire shoreline

Other higher standards (OHS)

If your community employs standards that are higher than the National Flood Insurance Program's minimum standards but aren't detailed in the other 430 elements, you can receive credits for this element.

Level of effort = high


Your community can receive credit for adopting regulations that are not listed in any of the above sections, but still go above and beyond the minimum requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). This can include requiring all new buildings to be elevated, prohibiting septic systems in the floodplain, requiring elevated streets in the floodplain for emergency vehicles, and/or requiring an evacuation plan. Speak with your CRS Specialist to determine whether or not your regulations qualify for 432.o credits.


To receive credit for this element, you must provide:

  • The written ordinance or regulation, adopted by your community’s governing body
  • If the regulation does not apply to the entire Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), an impact adjustment map with marked regulatory areas (cannot include Open Space Preservation (OSP) areas)
  • Documentation that regulations are in force outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) (if applicable)
  • Plans or records showing the regulation has been applied in your community

Credit Calculation

Max: 100

You can receive anywhere from 5 to 100 credits for this element. Speak with your CRS Specialist for more information. The impact adjustment for this element utilizes the following formula:

Regulated area / Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)

Regulations administration (RA)

This element awards credits for steps taken to create robust floodplain management administration procedures.

Level of effort = moderate


Your community can receive credits for putting regulatory procedures into place. The subelements for this element include:

  • RA1: Training regulatory staff members
  • RA2: Securing International Accreditation Service (IAS) accreditation
  • RA3: Inspecting all new buildings in the floodplain
  • RA4: Inspecting recently sold or improved buildings in the floodplain
  • RA5: Storing records off-site in case of an emergency


You can receive credit under this element even if you receive no other Activity 430 credit!


To receive credit for this element, you must provide:

  • For RA1, a copy of the course attendance certificate
  • For RA2, no documentation is needed, as status is verified through IAS and ASFPM
  • For RA3 and/or RA4, inspection records showing detailed inspections

Credit Calculation

Max: 67, including the following:

Element Maximum Credits
RA1 - CFM graduates of Emergency Management Institute (EMI) class, OR 5 credits each (25 total)
RA1 - Requiring developments to be approved by a CFM 25
RA2 - IAS accredited building department 5
RA3 - Conducting detailed inspections 16
RA4 - Conducting reinspections of buildings 16
RA5 - Storing records off-site 5

There is no impact adjustment for this element.

This CRS guide was produced by CRS professionals and Certified Floodplain Managers to help you navigate the Community Rating System. It is not meant to replace FEMA's official CRS Coordinator's Manual, nor should it supersede the instructions given by your ISO/CRS Specialist.

For additional resources, visit https://crsresources.org/ .